Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Character Analysis: Banquo

Banquo plays as the converse or antithesis of Macbeth in the play. He attains no dire ambition that destroys Macbeth in the end. Banquo is excited to see that his family will have a place at the throne, but early on mentions “the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence (1.3.132). He warns Macbeth of his decisions, and even when Macbeth asked Banquo to be worthy and he will be rewarded, Banquo responds by doing what ever he asks as long as it is not founded on foul play. He unfortunately falls victim to Macbeth when Macbeth hires murders to kill him and Fleance. As Banquo is a subject of the prophecies, he does not look to fulfill them. He wanted to benefited from them, but would not dishonor or “play foul” for the position. He also begins to suspect Macbeth in killing Duncan, but by this time, Macbeth had already labeled him as a threat and sentenced his death.  

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