Setting Description

The setting of Macbeth is in Scotland and England in the 11th century. The start of the play foreshadows the play as a tragedy just by the portrayal of fogginess and a terrible thunderstorm taking place. Most action takes place in Macbeth’s castle and later, the palace in Dunsinane. Macbeth is actually the only Shakespearean play set in Scotland, some people connecting it to the reality in which King James IV of Scotland was crowned King James I of England. This occurred in 1603 after Queen Elizabeth died, thus allowing King James to become the king of England a few years before the play was even written. Although the play was written in 1606, it takes place in Scotland of medieval times, around the time the actual characters lived. The stage setting of the play included minimal furniture, excessive darkness, and often thunderous sound effects giving into the feel of a tragedy.